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Sunday 18 March 2012

The idea spreads

I hear of others who have been  inspired by me to do a year without clothes.  This is very heartening. Today I spoke with Liz, who gave me the inspiration originally, and she told me that when she was gifted socks, she returned them to the shop!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Spring temptations

It's warmer, the birds are busy and the magazines full of summer clothes.  I don't dare look, but did just by chance the other day.  Oh dear, the temptation after just 6 months.  By October, all the summer clothes will be gone.  Now is the time I would usually be spending a bit on new things.  I look in my wardrobe, full of dark, thick winter things and long for a something bright and light.  One good thing though - as my clotes were getting uncomfortably tight I am at last losing weight and able to jeans I haven't all winter.